Neighbourhood Watch

September 2019
Is There A Scheme In Your Road?
We are delighted that following the successful promotion of the Neighbourhood Watch schemes in Up Hatherley we have seen a number of new schemes launched. Within the Up Hatherley Parish area there are now schemes in the following areas:
250 Hatherley Road, Broad Oak Way, Carmarthen Road, Caernavon Road, Chasely Crescent, Coniston Road, Fernleigh Crescent, Gardenia Grove, Haslette Way, Hatherley Brake, Hatherley Lane, Hatherley Road (DD), Hatherley Road (AH), Hazebrouck Close, Hollis Gardens, Holmer Crescent, Justica Way, Kingscote Avenue, Manor Farm Estate, Rippledale Close, The Greenings, Timperley Way, Wards Road, Wimborne Close, Withypool, Witley Lodge, Witley Lodge Close
If you are interested in joining one of these schemes or need help in setting up a new scheme, please do get in touch.
The rate of crime has thankfully been falling in recent years but that downward trend has now largely halted and Cheltenham as a whole has seen an increase in house burglary and in thefts of and from cars. Those increases coupled with ever more stretched police resources mean that acquiring vital information about potential criminal activity within our local community is something that each and every one of us can play an important part in. Looking out for criminal, antisocial or simply suspicious behaviour and passing that information on to the police so that they can deploy their more limited resources more effectively is something the Parish Council is keen to encourage.
Up Hatherley Parish Council believes that Neighbourhood Watch schemes help people to keep an effective look out in their area and it has been shown nationally that homes covered by a these schemes are less likely to be burgled. So why not come along to our meeting at the end of March and see if you can help make your road a safer place to live in.
Following on from the successful initial meeting at the Village Hall, the Parish Council wishes to continue to promote the schemes and collate details of anybody looking to join a scheme in their area, or register their interest while we work towards setting up as many schemes as possible across the Parish area. Please take a few moments to fill in the survey below and help us develop and promote Neighbourhood Watch in your area.